Be Mindful

When you are mindful, you are in a state of accepting your current state, including thoughts, fears, and worries often associated with anxiety. Instead of letting them consume you, acknowledge these thoughts for what they are, accept them, and allow your mindset to shift to more realistic expectations. It takes some practice, but in time you will learn how to accept your anxiety and not let it rule your life.

Switch your mindset.

Start small by picking just one time during the day when you can be mindful. Do some mindful meditation where you sit quietly with your eyes closed. Take some deep breaths to focus your energy, then just analyze the thoughts you have.

Let any concerns or worries come into your mind, but instead of trying to avoid them, embrace those thoughts. Accept the thoughts, but don’t analyze what might happen in the future or become overwhelmed with regret over what has happened in the past.

Mindfulness is all about embracing your present state, and learning to accept it.

Reaching a Place of Acceptance

Acceptance is not easy, and it often confuses people. This doesn’t mean you are simply giving up on trying to get better, but instead acknowledging where you are in your life right now. Being mindful is really important to stop dwelling on the past or being fearful of the future, but just understanding what you are going through right now. And understanding that it is not going to last forever.

Be Mindful Every Day

Write down your most important thoughts or fears right now, read them back to yourself, then promise to move forward from them. This is a really simple practice that will help you be more mindful of how you think and feel at any given time, without letting it control you.

Remember that like meditation, mindfulness takes practice. Your mindset will shift over time the more you do it. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but you still have to travel through the tunnel.

- Keep Pressing Forward -